
100 lbs. of Awesomeness - Day 1

Jan 26, 2007

While deserved amounts of praise greeted the opening of Sadie Benning's Suspended Animation, Glenn Ligon's Some Changes, and Architecture Interruptus exhibitions Thursday night in the Wexner Center galleries, that buzz you may have heard was for Charles Long's 100 lbs. of Clay installation in the lower level. What began the day as 100 brightly colored square hunks of clay morphed into a bizzaro kitchen sink of shapes by day's end, all produced by some very creative visitors to the Wexner Center. Since the fun part will be seeing how the clay changes from day to day, it seems only right to post some of the favorites here. Check back for frequent updates here on the Wexblog.

from January 26, 2007

from January 26, 2007

from January 26, 2007

from January 26, 2007

from January 26, 2007