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Meet popular zine author Dave Roche and hear him read from his poignant account of substitute teaching. This is "personal" writing at its finest (and the book is only $5), so take a chance and stop by for a signed copy. The book version (from Microcosm) is a "best of" collection from issues 1-4 of the zine.

"I brought this zine to work and couldn't stop laughing as I read it during lunch.... As you can imagine, there's a lot to tell, and David manages to make it both hilarious and sad, without being disrespectful."--Newpages

"If you've ever wondered what goes on in this environment, read this. Taking teenagers to the bathroom, dealing with a screaming autistic boy, and doing art projects for students who are asleep in their wheelchairs are all in a day's work. On Subbing gives a vivid picture of an educational setting most of us know little about, and it's quite sobering."--Xerography Debt

Read more comments and find a podcast of Dave reading on the Microcosm Publishing web site.



Dave Roche On Subbing