
Behind the Exhibition: Construction Continues

Aug 07, 2008

Building the Warhol Exhibition

The preparators for Andy Warhol: Other Voices, Other Rooms are still hard at work creating the exhibition that is now only five weeks away.

The makings of the stars seen in the last blog entry have now been transformed into the white star seats that will be found in the TV-scape portion of the exhibition. The TV-scape itself is a space raised 20 inches off the ground, accessible by ramps leading to the entrance. In this area, patrons can sit on the stars as they watch Warhol's 42 television episodes and a selection of rarely-screened videos.

The frames for the camouflage room's benches are now well on their way to completion. As soon as the flexible siding is wrapped around the sides of the seats, they will be covered with black foam. Ultimately, these benches will reside on top of a camouflage carpet, mirrored overhead by hanging ceiling elements draped in—you guessed it—more camouflage.

There are 14 audio booths that will be located in Gallery A, right as you enter the exhibition. They are specially constructed with holes for air return at their bases, allowing them to be set up against the walls. Patrons can sit inside the booths and listen to various recordings, including interviews with Warhol and taped conversation between Warhol and others, from speakers installed in the ceilings of the booths.

Click here to see all of the photos so far, and check back soon for video of the construction and interviews with the exhibitions staff.
Bridget Mundy, Wexner Center Marketing Assistant