
This Is a Comic Book

Jun 17, 2009


During the Gallery Hop on August 1, the Mahan Gallery will have an opening for "This is a Comic Book," an overview of current threads in comics as represented by some of the more interesting voices in the field. Featuring artists such as Ron Rege Jr., Lauren Weinstein, Anders Nilsen, and Columbus's own Phonzie Davis, the exhibition hopes to hint at the full spectrum of possibilities within the medium while casting a few questions at the propriety of its possibly tongue-in-cheek title.

The show will be accompanied by a small run catalog-zine featuring writing by Anne Elizabeth Moore, former editor of the Comics Journal, and the Wexner Center's own film and video curator, Dave Filipi.

Books by the comics creators will be available for purchase courtesy of the Wexner Center Store. More information, including a full artist list, can be found here.

James Payne works at the Wexner Center store. He co-curated this exhibition with Colleen Grennan.

image credit:
Panayiotis Terzis
King Top: Bluetooth, 2009
17 x 23.5 inches, watercolor on paper