
Holiday Gift Guide: who's new

by Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager

Nov 17, 2017

Need some fresh gift ideas for the holiday season ahead? To get your creative shopping started, we asked Wex staff members who've joined the center or taken on new positions here in the past year to spend some time in the Store and select a few of their favorite things. Many of their picks are also available online

Wexner Center Social Media Coordinator Sydney Cologie

Sydney Cologie
Social Media Coordinator since August

My First Book of Patterns by Bobby and June George

"Introduce shapes, colors and tricky vocabulary words to your favorite tiny human with this adorable pattern book! I think this gift is great for encouraging kids to explore multiple parts of their budding personalities including art, mathematics, and linguistics."


Performing Arts Director Lane Czaplinski

Lane Czaplinski
Director, Performing Arts since June

Under Aurora Botanical Perfume Oil
Eames Molded Plastic Armchair Rocker Base

"My favorite thing to do since moving to Columbus this past summer is to put on some body spritz ('The Poet'), grab my Moleskine notebook and sit in my rocking chair."


Patron Services Coordinator Adam Elliott

Adam Elliott
Patron Services Coordinator since August

Feel the Music: The Psychedelic Worlds of Paul Majorwith Johan Kugelberg and Mark Iosifescu

“Paul Major is an American Cultural hero. Luckily for us he has had his pulse deep in underground and outsider rock & roll and insanity for many decades. Pound for pound I find American rock & roll is our country’s most important art form and this book is a great collection of some of the weirder corners of music. Ephemera and more to keep you entertained for hours plus information you still can’t find on the internet. On top of that his band Endless Boogie are A+ and you get a 7-inch from them to boot!”

Adam also recommends: 
Joseph Albers: Art as Experience: The Teaching Method of a Bauhaus Master, edited by Nicholas Fox Weber


Education Coordinator Maria Joranko

Maria Joranko
Former Gallery Assistant; Education Coordinator since December 2016

Phyllis & Hazel Ox Head Ring

“Rings are an excellent go-to accessory that can pull together any look and they go with almost everything! I’m all about versatile accessories and this ox head ring is a subtle statement piece that can be made casual or formal. What could be a more perfect jewelry piece than that!”

Maria also recommends:
Under Aurora beauty products
Intimate Geometries. The Art and Life of Louise Bourgeois by Robert Storr


Web Developer E. J. Josephat

E. J. Josephat
Web Developer since May

Things Will Work Out pillow by People I've Loved
"Because, well, we all need to be reminded that things will work out every now and then!"

E. J. also recommends:
Catalogue of Photography: Cleveland Museum of Art by Tom E. Hinson and Evan H. Turner
Pictures of Nothing: Abstract Art Since Pollock by Kirk Wanedoe

"As an aspiring amateur photographer, I like looking at others’ works. Pictures of Nothing is a really interesting one."

The New Negro: Voices of the Harlem Renaissance, edited by Alain Locke
"It's such as good a collection of works as it is diverse in its content, from Alain Locke to Zora Hurston."


Development Assistant Jamila Zawadi

Jamila Zawadi
Development Assistant since September

Vers 2Q Bluetooth Sound System 
(1Q also available)

“My husband bought the Vers Q bluetooth speaker as a holiday present 'for the house' a few years ago. They look great and most importantly produce a great sound for their size. My favorite places to use the Vers speaker are the kitchen and home office, but we have also used it at a few family cookouts. There is nothing better than having the ability to enjoy your favorite tunes, so it makes a great gift.”