
Listen up: A Carter Family playlist

Erik Pepple

Jan 08, 2016

The Winding Stream

One of the great pleasures of opening our 2016 film schedule with the wonderful new Carter Family documentary The Winding Stream has been researching their rich, extraordinary catalog of music and performance–it’s certainly made for excellent sounds around the office. To share the Carter Family love and to get you ready for our screenings of The Winding Stream this weekend, we asked Wex staff to share their favorite songs and performances from the Carters (and artists associated with the family). This playlist is by no means comprehensive, but we can guarantee there’s not a bum number on here.

“Can the Circle Be Unbroken,” picked by Elizabeth Grunewald, Digital Content Editor

“Children Go Where I Send Thee,” picked by Peg Fochtman, HR/Fiscal Associate

“Church in the Wildwood,” picked by Joanna Hammer, Patron Services Coordinator

“Foggy Mountain Top,” picked by Tracie McCambridge, Educator for Docent & Teacher Programs

“Give Me Roses While I Live,” picked by Erik Pepple, Media & Public Relations Manager

The Hammer Song,” picked by Ashley Stanton, Patron Services Coordinator

“I Will Never Marry,” picked by Matt Reber, Wexner Center Store Manager

“I Won’t Back Down,” picked by Jennifer Wray, Marketing & Media Assistant

“Jackson,” picked by Arthur Ryel-Lindsey, Director of Marketing & Communications

“Keep on the Sunny Side,” picked by Amanda Potter, Educator Public & University Programs; Ashley Stanton, Patron Services Coordinator; Jim Petsche, Administrative Associate, Director’s Office

“Lulu Walls,” picked by Kevin Hathaway, Business Manager

“My Dixie Darling,” Kellie Morgan, Marketing and Outreach Manager

“Ring of Fire,” picked by Jean Pitman, Educator Family & Teen Programs

“River of Jordan,” picked by John Smith, Technical Director

“Single Girl, Married Girl,” Jennifer Lange, Curator, Film/Video Studio Program

“Wabash Cannonball,” picked by Sylke Krell, Manager Traffic, Production, and Publications

“The Wayworn Traveller,” Mark Spurgeon, Membership Manager

“Wildwood Flower,” picked by Lindsey Beetem, Membership Assistant; David Filipi, Director of Film/Video; Adam Vincent, Program Assistant, Film/Video & Performing Arts