
The Happy Prince School Performance

Annie Wood Productions (Scotland)

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"Revivifies Oscar Wilde's story with bags of visual invention and colour."—Sunday Scottish Herald

Children will be captivated by this creative interpretation of Oscar Wilde's classic fable, a touching and delightful tale about doing good deeds for others in need.

Recommended for students from preschool to grade 4. As the performance begins, a girl and a boy arrive in a run-down park on their scooters, both determined to tell the story of a statue known as "the Happy Prince." Finding the props and puppet characters they need in the park's rubbish, the dynamic performers transport themselves and the audience to a magical kingdom. They act out the tale of a tearful statue come to life, who finds joy with the help of a bright swallow, becoming happier and happier as he gives his riches to the people of his kingdom.

Teachers who schedule this program receive a curriculum guide.

For tickets, please call 614 292-6493 or e-mail Please provide your name, address, telephone number, school, grade level(s) and/or subject(s) you teach, and number of tickets you need. For more information about the program, please call 614 688-3986 or e-mail

support credits

Presented with generous support from Cardinal Health.

Additional funding for The Happy Prince provided by Target.

Children's performing arts series presented with generous support from Cardinal Health.

Additional funding provided by Target.


The Happy Prince School Performance