
Weekend Reading: August 5 Edition

Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager

Aug 05, 2022

A Black performer, smiling and enveloped in satiny bronze fabric, reaches upward in a moment from the jaamil olawale kosoko performance "the hold"

Nile Harris in jaamil olawale kosoko's the hold, photo: Kathryn D Studios

Around Ohio

A view of empty galleries and adjacent ramp inside the deconstructivist-style Wexner Center for the Arts

A rare view of the Wex galleries between exhibitions


Around the globe

A wide, tree-framed shot of the multi-story brick building that holds Appalshop, seen with high floodwaters obscuring the lower half of its first floor.

Kentucky media archive Appalshop after recent, devastating floods (image via Instagram), photo: Taylyn Kincer