Japanese choreographer, designer, and dancer Saburo Teshigawara, who performs as KARAS, will debut his latest work, Miroku, as part of a rare North American tour at the Wex on Friday, April 16. Teshigawara may not be a household name, but it's fair to say in certain circles is revered with visionaries like Pina Bausch and Robert Wilson. Inspired by a poetic Japanese novel, this charged solo dance work features crisp movement in a blue box-like set, intensified by Teshigawara's sophisticated lighting design. Here's some videos of his earlier work, as well as Miroku preview, to give you a little taste.
$5 tickets are available for teens age 13 to 18 through High 5 Columbus and Members at the Sponsor level and able are entitled to two free tickets to the performance.