Membership Experience what’s next.


Enjoy film, visual art, music, dance, and theater with year-round savings.


Be invited to curated member events and share your Wex love with the community.


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Ensure contemporary art thrives in our region—and meet the artists, curators, and community leaders who make it possible.


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Immerse yourself in cutting-edge cultural experiences. Engage in dialogues about the most pressing issues of our times—and identify actions to address them. Ensure everyone in our community has access to the arts and encourage creative thinking in our schools.

Do all this and more when you become a Wex member or purchase a gift membership. No matter the amount, you have a place here—as well as discounts, special events, and sneak peeks.

Two individuals are embracing in a crowd of people. One is facing away, the other is smiling with their eyes closed.

Questions? Contact us for more info.