
Steinbeck is "with us again"

Oct 06, 2011

It's the morning of the world premiere of The Builders Association's HOUSE / DIVIDED, and the press is eagerly anticipating tonight's performance. Meanwhile, in today's Columbus Dispatch preview, reporter Michael Grossberg talks to Builders writers Moe Angelos (also an actor in the show) and James Gibbs. Alive newspaper also ran a feature with an interview with Builders director Marianne Weems, who notes that the show is "a dance between architecture, movement, video and sound." And onCampus newspaper for faculty and staff focused on a Fisher College of Business student whose personal and moving story about foreclosure made it into the show, as well as landscape architecture professor Katherine Bennett, whose students were involved in the research and development of the piece over the past year. Also on newsstands now is the October issue of Columbus Monthly magazine, which dubbed HOUSE / DIVIDED a "really hot ticket," while also noting, "These are serious times....[the] outrage over the mortgage foreclosure crisis in this country is reflected in HOUSE / DIVIDED." Tickets are still available for the shows, tonight through Saturday at 8 pm in OSU's Thurber Theatre (call 614-292-3535).