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See real-life scandal in Rolf Thiele's A Call Girl Named Rosemarie and sparkling rural comedy in Kurt Hoffmann's I Often Think of Piroschka. Rolf Thiele's A Call Girl Named Rosemarie, winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film, is based on a real-life scandal involving the murder of a Frankfurt prostitute with clients in the highest echelons of West Germany's political and industrial circles. With Nadja Tiller, Peter van Eyck, and Gert Frobe. (1959; 100 mins.)
A sparkling comedy set in rural Hungary, Kurt Hoffmann's I Often Think of Piroschka features West German film star Liselotte Pulver as a student on holiday experiencing bewildering but romantic cultural differences. (1955; 96 mins.)
Season Support
International films, documentaries, and visiting filmmaker presentations presented with support from the Ohio Arts Council.
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A Call Girl Named Rosemarie I Often Think of Piroschka