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Both these films spring from the lush sensibility of director Claude Autant-Lara. Second feature start time: 9 pm. Made during the height of the Occupation, Douce is a lush romantic costume drama set among late-19th-century Parisian aristocracts, with servants and masters trapped in misalliances. (1943, 104 mins.) From the same director, Le mariage de chiffon is almost a rehearsal for Douce, this time focusing on a well-born young woman defying her family by falling in doomed love with a liberal older man. (1941, 103 mins.) Series organized by Marie Bonnel, French Cultural Services, New York. support credits Season support provided by the Rohauer Collection Foundation and the Corporate Annual Fund of the Wexner Center Foundation. Contemporary films, international films, and visiting filmmakers presented with support from the Ohio Arts Council.
Douce Le mariage de chiffon