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Past Film/Video
(Nelson Pereira dos Santos, 1984)
$8 general public $6 members $6 seniors $6 students
In this universally acclaimed film, dos Santos recreates the memoirs of Graciliano Ramos, a celebrated Brazilian author (of Barren Lives, among other works). The left-leaning intellectual is arrested during a sweep of dissidents under the Getúlio Vargas dictatorship of the 1930s. As Ramos is taken on a journey through Brazilian prisons—and, consequently, on a tour of underground political histories and ideologies—he discovers how imprisonment can turn him into a more committed human being. (185 mins., 35mm)
VIA BRASIL MADE POSSIBLE BY The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FILM/VIDEO Rohauer Collection Foundation PREFERRED AIRLINES American Airlines/American Eagle GENERAL SUPPORT FOR THE WEXNER CENTER Greater Columbus Arts Council Columbus Foundation Nationwide Foundation Ohio Arts Council
Memories of Prison