Past Film/Video | Classics | Series & Festivals

Moulin Rouge

(John Huston, 1952)

Introduced by Grover Crisp, Executive Vice President Asset Management, Film Restoration and Digital Management, Sony Pictures, and Margaret Bodde, Executive Director, The Film Foundation

New Restoration

Moulin Rouge

José Ferrer embodies French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1864–1901) in this stunning cinematic recreation of his life and the bohemian culture centered around Paris’s legendary burlesque hall Moulin Rouge. Shooting in Technicolor, director John Huston wanted to evoke Toulouse-Lautrec’s rich color palette—which can now be fully enjoyed as intended for the first time in decades with this meticulous restoration! With Zsa Zsa Gabor, Christopher Lee, and Peter Cushing. (119 mins., 4K DCP)

More about the experts

Grover Crisp (Sony Pictures) has supervised numerous restoration projects including Elia Kazan’s On the Waterfront (1954), David Lean’s Lawrence of Arabia (1962), Luchino Visconti’s Sandra (1965), and Dennis Hopper’s Easy Rider (1969). This is his second appearance at Cinema Revival.

Margaret Bodde oversees The Film Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Martin Scorsese in 1990 and dedicated to protecting and preserving motion picture history. The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project has restored 35 films from 22 different countries around the world. This is her third appearance at Cinema Revival.

Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge, image courtesy of Park Circus

Program Support

Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of The Film Foundation.

Restored by The Film Foundation in collaboration with Park Circus, Romulus Films, and MGM with additional funding provided by the Franco-American Cultural Fund, a unique partnership between the Directors Guild of America (DGA), the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), Société des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Éditeurs de Musique (SACÉM), and the Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW).

Greater Columbus Arts Council
Ohio Arts Council
American Electric Power Foundation
The Columbus Foundation
Nationwide Foundation
Cardinal Health Foundation
Huntington Bank


Past Film/Video

Moulin Rouge