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Join us for three entertaining and sidesplitting short films starring Buster Keaton, one of the most beloved silent comedians. Scarecrow, Cops, and One Week are on the bill. Columbus jazz band Honk, Wail and Moan provide live music accompaniment. Scarecrow finds Keaton and his roommate living in a bachelor pad full of unusual gadgets while they fight for the love of a farmer's daughter. (Edward F. Cline, Buster Keaton, USA, 1920; 17 mins.) Keaton has no luck in Cops. After being dumped by his girl, he finds himself getting deeper into trouble until he has the town's entire police force chasing after him! (Edward F. Cline, Buster Keaton, USA, 1922; 18 mins.) Things don't get any easier when Keaton tries to assemble a build-it-yourself house for his new wife in One Week. (Edward F. Cline, Buster Keaton, USA, 1920; 19 mins.) Please note: If you would like to discuss the specifics of any film before viewing it with your child, please call Shelly Casto, educator for school and family programs, at (614) 688-3986. series support credits Presented by Cardinal Health and the Ohio Arts Council. Education season presented by Bank One. Season support for film/video provided by the Rohauer Collection Foundation and the Corporate Annual Fund of the Wexner Center Foundation. series special thanks Special thanks to Kenny S. Kwak, Kenny & Co. Entertainment; Sara Duran, Walt Disney Pictures; Placida Romero, Disney Channel; Tim Lanza, Douris Corporation; Anna Lehmann, First Run Features; Marie Bonnel, Cultural Services of the French Embassy, New York City; and Francesca Breccia, Media Luna Entertainment.
A Musical Afternoon with Buster Keaton