Past Film/Video | Series & Festivals

Program 4 Tacita Dean, Afif Arabi, Bill Seaman, Bonita Makuch, Justine Richardson

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The new Videotheque series, on view in the Wexner Center Bookshop, continues with daring work from across the country. This program features British artist Tacita Dean's Sound Mirrors; My Beard Forever, a personal commentary on cultural conflict by former OSU student Afif Arabi; digital artist Bill Seaman's Red Dice; the provocative Oh Beautiful, by artist Bonita Makuch (formerly of Columbus); and Justine Richardson's Girl's Hoops, about the abolition and reinstatement of women's basketball in Eastern Kentucky.

Support for the 2002-03 film/video season provided by the Rohauer Collection Foundation and the Corporate Annual Fund of the Wexner Center Foundation.

International films, documentaries, and visiting filmmaker presentations presented with support from the Ohio Arts Council.


Past Film/Video

Program 4 Tacita Dean, Afif Arabi, Bill Seaman, Bonita Makuch, Justine Richardson