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Claudette Colbert, Audrey Hepburn, and Shirly MacLaine star in tonight's double feature, a smouldering glance at Hollywood's risque past. Second feature start time: 9:15 PM. By presenting often scandalous content within the context of a morality play, Cecil B. DeMille was able to get around industry censors more successfully than most directors. Set in the time of Nero's Rome, The Sign of the Cross is a virtual checklist of Hollywood hedonism, memorably featuring Claudette Colbert bathing in a tub of asses' milk. (124 mins, 35mm)Based on the play by Lillian Hellman, The Children's Hour stars Audrey Hepburn and Shirley MacLaine as headmistresses at a girl's school who find themselves the subject of a student's vicious gossip about their secret relationship. (107 mins, 35mm)Print of The Sign of the Cross is provided by the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
The Sign of the Cross