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We're proud to present the U.S. premiere of The Story of Xiaoyan. This charming, moving, and insightful film has been setting box office records in China and delighting family audiences around the world. When a tuition increase means only her brothers will be able to attend school next year, a young girl spends her summer vacation carrying out difficult and imaginative schemes to earn the money that would allow her to continue too. "Xiaoyan's experiences seem at first specific to her culture but are, in fact, profoundly universal," notes the Sprockets Film Festival for Children. "Her struggles and triumphs prove that one individual (even one with pigtails) can change traditions of a thousand years through brains, desire, and sheer will." (102 mins., 35mm)This film is recommended for ages 8 and up.____________The 3rd Annual Columbus International Children's Film Festival was organized by Chris Stults, Wexner Center assistant curator of film/video, and Kendra Meyer, educator for youth programs.Special thanks to Cindy Lin, Infotainment China; Jessalyn Saenz, Buena Vista; Mike Schlesinger, Sony Repertory; Marleen Slot, Lemming Film; Richard Abramowitz, Abramorama; Paul Marchant, First Run Features; Jessica Rosner, Kino International; Silvina Cornillon, JPZtudio; and Tatiana Penteado, Tiete Producoes Cinematograficas.
The Story of Xiaoyan