Our gallery education program provides unique opportunities to get involved in an innovative contemporary art environment with an option to receive academic credit. This hands-on experience brings the theoretical into the realm of the practical and offers participants the chance to develop and discover skills and passions in the field of museum work.
We are currently in the very exciting process of restructuring the docent training course. As the world shifts in this turbulent moment of COVID-19, we museum educators must be nimble in our methods and responsive to the needs of the communities we serve. Our new course design will emphasize these values as we collaboratively teach and learn the deep possibilities of museum education and public practice.
Stay tuned for an updated course description, with a curriculum aimed toward creating holistic, real-time, practical experiences in the museum environment. The next course offering will take place during the autumn semester 2020.
Please reach out to the Wexner Center's Education Department at education@wexarts.org if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.