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Past Performing Arts | Dance
Virtual | Artist Residency
Free for all audiences Gratis para todos los públicos
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Awilda Rodríguez Lora compartirá su práctica y metodología al crear coreografia para SUSTENTO en una sesión EN VIVO de 30 minutos desde la sala y estudio de La Rosario, el hogar y comuna cuir creativa de la artista.
Nos esforzamos en organizar eventos inclusivos y accesibles que permitan que todxs lxs individuos, incluyendo individuos con discapacidades puedan involucrarse plenamente. Si necesita algún tipo de acomodación para participar en este evento por favor contacte al administrador de accesibilidad o a través del teléfono al (614) 688-3890. El Wexner Center for the Arts hará todo lo posible para cumplir con lo que se pide.
Awilda Rodríguez Lora will be sharing her practice and methodology for creating choreography for SUSTENTO in a 30-minute session streamed live from the living room and studio at La Rosario, the artist’s home and creative queer commune.
We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. If you require an accommodation to participate in this event, please contact our accessibility manager at or via telephone at (614) 688-3890. The Wexner Center for the Arts will make every effort to meet requests.
Awilda Rodríguez Lora, photo: Kathryn Butler
Residencia Virtual SUSTENTO en la Rosario, con el apoyo de Wexner Center for the Arts y la Universidad de Ohio State. La residencia virtual va a estar mayormente enfocada en el desarrollo de coreografía, documentación de la vida cotidiana en La Rosario y en una serie de conversaciones públicas sobre SUSTENTO, LA CUERPA y TECNOLOGÍA. La residencia será trabajada mayormente en español y habrá interpretación disponible para las conversaciones públicas. El trabajo desarrollado e investigado durante la duración de la residencia será parte de la premiere de SUSTENTO como performance interactivo en el Wexner Center for the Arts en la Primavera del 2021.
Presented with the support of Wexner Center for the Arts at The Ohio State University, The SUSTENTO Virtual Residency at La Rosario will be focused mainly on the development of choreography, documentation of life at La Rosario, and a series of public conversations about SUSTENTO, the body, and technology. The residency will be created mainly in Spanish and interpretation will be available during the public conversations. The work developed and researched during the residency will be part of the premiere of SUSTENTO, an interactive performance at the Wexner Center for the Arts in spring 2021.
See the complete SUSTENTO lineup.
Awilda Rodríguez Lora is a performance choreographer and cultural entrepreneur. Her work challenges misconceptions about womanhood through the exploration of sexuality, empowerment, and self-determination. These concepts are explored through the use of movement, sound, and video as well as through a methodology she calls the “economy of living”—which can either potentiate or subtract from her body’s “value” in the contemporary art market. Born in Mexico, raised in Puerto Rico, and working in-between North and South America and the Spanish-speaking Caribbean, Rodríguez Lora's performances traverse multiple geographic histories and realities. In this way, her work promotes progressive dialogues regarding colonial legacies and the unstable categories of race, gender, class, and sexuality. Read full bio here.
Esta performance fue posible gracias al apoyo del Puerto Rico Arts Initiative, la universidad de Northwestern y la fundación Andrew W. Mellon.
This performance was made possible thanks to the support of the Puerto Rico Arts Initiative, Northwestern University, and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
MADE POSSIBLE BY Greater Columbus Arts Council American Electric Power Foundation The Columbus Foundation Ohio Arts Council Institute of Museum and Library Services Huntington Bank Nationwide Foundation
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT PROVIDED BY Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Kaufman Development Cardinal Health Foundation
Past Performing Arts
EN VIVO Sesión de Movimiento I