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Art critic, cultural historian, and activist Rebecca Solnit visits the Wexner Center to talk about her work. Rebecca Solnit writes about visual art, public space, landscape, environment, politics, and culture. Her acclaimed works of nonfiction include A Book of Migrations: Some Passages in Ireland (1997); Wanderlust: A History of Walking (2000); Hollow City: The Siege of San Francisco and the Crisis of American Urbanism (2000); As Eve Said to the Serpent: On Landscape, Gender, and Art (2001); and River of Shadows: Eadweard Muybridge and the Technological Wild West (2003). She is a columnist for Orion: The Magazine of Culture, Creativity, and Change and a regular contributor to the Nation Institute's TomDispatch.com, a daily newsgram. Rebecca Solnit is the recipient of the Lannan Literary Award for Nonfiction, the 2003 National Book Critics Circle Award, and the Los Angeles Times Best Book of the Year Award.

Presented by Ohio State's Creative Writing Program, Department of English. Cosponsored by the Wexner Center.



Rebecca Solnit