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Join us for a relaxed night of fun, food, and sharing, and leave with fresh ideas for your classroom. Due to numerous school cancellations, the film screening tonight is still on, but the show and tell is canceled. In the 1960s, Sophocles and Shakespeare took the stage for Albert Cullum's elementary students. See how one inspired educator infused art into his classroom long before integration became a buzz word. After the film, let your fellow, local educators be your muses as they briefly share what they’ve been up to in their classrooms, in short, informal presentations. Pre-service and active educators of all disciplines are welcome. To RSVP, email edweb@wexarts.org or call (614) 292-6493. Want to share your bright ideas? Keep reading to find out how. Teacher Show & Tell Want to share your fabulous, integrated curriculum with other teachers? Fill out the application form linked below. This will be a quick-fire show & tell, so you will have less than 10 minutes to share; we’ll let you know the exact time you have, determined by the number of presenters accepted. (Our time is limited, so we may not be able to accommodate all applicants. The final lineup of presenters will be determined by the Wexner Center education staff.) If you have any questions about the Show & Tell, please email Tracie McCambridge at tmccambridge@wexarts.org or call (614) 292-6982.
Teacher Film Night and Show & Tell Featuring A Touch of Greatness