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Past | Public Programs
You'll find plenty to do at the Wex before, after, or in between Zoom movies on Saturday, December 3. At our drop-in activity stations in the café area, open from 10 AM to 4 PM, you can make paper beads that can be made into necklaces and bracelets and try your hand at origami (folded paper) and kirigami (cut paper) projects, including special "Zoomigami" animals. You can also tell us what you think on our comment wall, make buttons, and color. For more fun, take a Family Tour of our exhibitions with a Wexner Center docent. Check out the books and toys in the kids' reading nook in the Wexner Center Store. And refuel with tasty, family-friendly food and beverages at Heirloom (open 9 AM to 2 PM on Saturday). Family Tour Schedule 9:30-10 AM 11:30 AM-12 PM 1:30-2 PM 3:30-4 PM Tours meet in front of the Wexner Center Store.
GENEROUS SUPPORT FOR ZOOM PNC Foundation Grow-up Great Program ADDITIONAL SUPPORT FOR ZOOM Big Lots PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT FOR ZOOM Time Warner Cable ThisWeek Community Newspapers MAJOR SEASON SUPPORT FOR EDUCATION Battelle SUPPORT FOR FAMILY AND YOUTH PROGRAMS Cardinal Health Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams Target SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FILM/VIDEO Rohauer Collection Foundation PREFERRED AIRLINES American Airlines/American Eagle GENERAL SUPPORT FOR THE WEXNER CENTER Greater Columbus Arts Council The Columbus Foundation Nationwide Foundation Ohio Arts Council
Past Education
Zoom Family Fun Activities