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Past Education | School Programs
Recommended for grades K and up
In preparation for Zoom and in connection with Castles in the Sky, our November series of Japanese anime by acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castles) and his colleagues, on we screen Miyazaki’s My Neighbor Totoro, a wondrous adventure about two sisters who move to the countryside with their family in postwar Japan and discover a host of magical woodland spirits. (86 mins.) Areas of Interest: Arts, Social Studies, Humanities, Geography, Language Arts/English, and Media Literacy Registration to bring your students to this event begins at the Teacher Season Preview on September 27.
MAJOR SEASON SUPPORT FOR EDUCATION Battelle SUPPORT FOR FAMILY AND YOUTH PROGRAMS Cardinal Health Bob Evans Farms Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FILM/VIDEO Rohauer Collection Foundation PREFERRED AIRLINES American Airlines/American Eagle PROMOTIONAL SUPPORT FOR ZOOM Time Warner Cable ThisWeek Community Newspapers GENERAL SUPPORT FOR THE WEXNER CENTER Greater Columbus Arts Council The Columbus Foundation Nationwide Foundation Ohio Arts Council
Past Education
Zoom Preview Screening for School GroupsFeaturing My Neighbor Totoro