
Daily Stream: The Turtle With an Afro

Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager

Jul 27, 2020

Animated short The Turtle with an Afro

Earlier this month, the Columbus Museum of Art hosted an online event with local author Dr. Carlotta Penn in which she discussed her new children's book, The Turtle With an Afro, and debuted an animated short based on the tale.

Today, in case you missed it, we're happy to share this beautiful and inspiring mini-narrative of a young girl turtle who stops trying to fight the "fantastic, fabulous, frolicking, and feisty" head of curls she possesses and learns to love their shining, springy essence. 

The site for Daydreamers Press, the publishing company Dr. Penn founded in 2018, also has info on her previous book, Dream a Rainbow, and another fun animated short to accompany it.

Watch The Turtle with an Afro on YouTube via Daydreamers Press.