
Trailers: Zoom Family Film Festival

Nov 22, 2019

A lineup of images of children actors from the films Supa Modo, Chuskit, and Breath with an image of a rabbit and a frog from the animated film Gordon and Paddy

Zoom: Family Film Fest is just around the corner, promising a weekend full of fun, free activities and films from around the world that share the stories and perspectives of children. Here are the trailers for all of the feature-length movies in this year's program. Give them a look as you think about which pair of PJs you're wearing to the annual Cereal and Pajama Party, See you soon!

Gordon and Paddy, screening Saturday, December 7 at noon.



Supa Modo, screening Saturday, December 7 at 1:45 PM.



Chuskit, screening Saturday, December 7 at 3:30 PM.



Breath, screening Saturday, December 7 at 7 PM.



A Little Princess, screening Sunday, December 8 at 1 PM.


Lead images: Supa Modo, courtesy Juno Films; Chuskit, courtesy Kaavya Films; Gordon and Paddy, courtesy New Europe Film Sales; Breath, courtesy Iranian Independents.