
Weekend Reading: July 19 Edition

Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager

Jul 19, 2024

A Black woman speaks into a microphone, her hands stretched out in front of her.

A documentary poetry workshop with Ajanaé Dawkins, a new Head of Exhibitions on the way, a pause on a secret Prince documentary project, a new approach to Pina Bausch, a chance to walk through the stargate corridor from 2001, tributes to Shelley Duvall and Bob Newhart, and lots more breaking arts news.

Top of page: Ajanaé Dawkins, courtesy of OSU Urban Arts Space

Around Ohio

Head shot of a woman with glasses and shoulder-length white hair.

Julieta González


Around the Globe

An artist’s print of a crossword puzzle with some clues and some answers filled in.

Cameron Granger, 1st Movement— Catastros Cartography, 2022 (detail). Silk screen on paper with pen, 22 × 30 inches. Courtesy of the artist; photo: Jake Heller.