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Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager
May 29, 2018
Pages is one of those programs that often flies under the radar. The brainchild of Wex Educator Dionne Custer Edwards, it connects high school students with art and working artists in a variety of disciplines then guides them through the creation of their own original artworks in response. These are compiled in a full color, perfect-bound publication created in a collaboration between Dionne and the Wex's in-house editors and designers, which is presented to each participant at an open mic event at the end of their Pages experience. In hard copy, the book is a gift given only to students and schools, so unless you're paying attention you might miss it altogether.
For this WexCast, Dionne, Wex Publications Editor Ryan Shafer and Kelly McNicholas, the lead designer on the 2017-18 edition, got together to shed some light on Pages and the process behind the book, along with their thoughts on why it's important to present student work in a museum-quality print publication. Below, the podcast link, you'll find an embed of the digital version of the new Pages book. And click here for a blog filled with writing by teachers who've participated over the years.
Images: Pages students photo: Katie Spengler; Wex design intern Alex Getz, Educator Dionne Custer Edwards, and lead project designer Kelly McNicholas, photo: Erica Anderson