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Past Special Events
One of the premiere nights at the Wexner Center each year, the anniversary gala is a chance to celebrate and thank our generous donors who make so many of our programs, films, and exhibits possible each year. Active members of the center's Donor Circles (Director's Circle level and above) and Corporate Council (Chairman's Council level and above) membership groups, along with corporate sponsors, university leaders, and Wexner Center Foundation Trustees are among the guests invited to this event. Mailed invitations should have reached mail boxes. Don't forget to send in your RSVP! For more information about how you can join the Donor Circles or Corporate Council and participate in this extraordinary evening, contact Individual Giving Manager Elaine Gounaris (egounaris@wexarts.org or [614] 292-0444) or Corporate Campaign Manager Chris Koenig (ckoenig@wexarts.org or [614] 291-9802).
The Wexner Center Gala is underwritten by a generous gift from the Limited Brands Foundation so that your membership contributions directly support the Wexner Center and our programs. Additional support for the 2009 gala is provided by Geyser Peak Winery. GENERAL SUPPORT FOR THE WEXNER CENTER Greater Columbus Arts Council Columbus Foundation Nationwide Foundation Ohio Arts Council
Wexner Center Anniversary Party 2009