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Jennifer Wray, Marketing & Media Assistant
Oct 21, 2015
Gridlines is our recurring feature about the world of visual arts, performing arts, media arts, and beyond. We’re talking about the latest and greatest (and less-than-greatest) happenings—what’s grabbing our attention, bringing us joy, piquing our curiosity, and otherwise making us stop and take note. Today’s Gridlines come from Jennifer Wray, Wex marketing & media assistant. We're going back in time with today's Gridlines. Image: Universal/Everett Collection I’m a big fan of Movies in Color, a website featuring film stills and their corresponding color palettes. Visit the site to see past Wex movies including 2001: A Space Odyssey, 12 Years a Slave, Bernie, My Own Private Idaho, Princess Mononoke, and The Royal Tenenbaums in a whole new light.