Award-winning filmmaker Brett Story presents a unique lecture previewing her upcoming documentary on the Amazon Labor Union.
Working at the intersections of prison abolition, labor movements, geography, and filmmaking, Story joins us for a special evening organized by Ohio State student group Cinéseries. Celebrated by Guernica for how she combines “elegant cinematography, and shrewd political analysis,” Story discusses her latest untitled documentary, which is currently in postproduction. Codirected by Stephen Maing of Crime + Punishment (2018) and The Surrender (2015), the film offers an intimate portrait of the group of current and former Amazon workers taking on one of the world’s largest and most powerful companies in their fight to unionize.
In this lecture, Story covers the art of political filmmaking and thinks through issues of labor, scale, supply-chain capitalism, and multiracial organizing, along with the role of this project within her larger body of work. Stick around after Story’s presentation for an intimate discussion facilitated by Cinéseries in the café, accompanied by light refreshments. (program approx. 75 mins.)
Brett Story, courtesy of the artist.
Learn more
- Interview: “Brett Story: The Prison in 12 Landscapes,” Sabrina Alli, Guernica
- Untitled Labor Union Documentary, IDA Enterprise Documentary Fund Grantee, International Documentary Association website
- Brett Story, Prison Land: Mapping Carceral Power across Neoliberal America, University of Minnesota Press website
More about Cinéseries
In the words of the members: Cinéseries is a student-led group that organizes monthly screenings in collaboration with the Wexner Center for the Arts. We aim to offer a space for students and the community to engage with film and expanded cinema from makers of a variety of backgrounds. We aspire to create an environment conducive to critical engagement by inviting filmmakers to showcase work that takes risks, challenges norms, and opens a conversation by devoting to a wide range of artist-centered and independent media.
More about the filmmaker
Brett Story
Program Support
Copresented with Ohio State’s student group Cinéseries, Graduate Student Art Club, Department of Art, and Department of Geography.
Rohauer Collection Foundation
Greater Columbus Arts Council
The Wexner Family
National Endowment for the Arts
Ohio Arts Council
L Brands Foundation
The Columbus Foundation
Nationwide Foundation
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Vorys, Sater, Seymour, and Pease
Mike and Paige Crane
Axium Packaging
Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams
President Kristina M. Johnson and Mrs. Veronica Meinhard
Nancy Kramer
Larry and Donna James
Lisa Barton
Johanna DeStefano
Jones Day
Alex and Renée Shumate
Brett Story