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This double bill features Assayas's A New Life, Hitchcock's mysterious Marnie, and three most inscrutible heroines. The starting time for this film, previously scheduled for 7 pm, has been moved to 7:30 pm. Because of Ohio State's Homecoming Parade this evening, please allow for extra travel time through campus. One of Assayas's most daring films, A New Life follows two young half-sisters hooked by blood or addiction to brutish older men. Film Comment editor Kent Jones describes the film as "so tenderly attuned to the becoming of its characters, it has the odd feel of an early Seventies road movie that takes place entirely indoors." (1993; 117 mins.) Assayas has mentioned his attraction to the "hidden Hitchcock," the Hitchcock whose motivations go beyond building suspense or straight storytelling. That Hitchcock is exemplified best in Marnie, which stars Tippi Hedren as a frigid con woman thawed by the heat of romanceÛespecially when it shows up in the form of Sean Connery. (1964; 129 mins.)
A New Life Marnie