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Now in its tenth year, the Ohio Short Film/Video Showcase brings together an impressive array of independently produced work from all corners of the state. Each under 20 minutes long and produced in Ohio in the past 18 months, the works vary in genre, tone, and production value, but all reflect the active media culture of the region.

Come early for the Youth Division screening at 4:30 pm and public reception from 6 to 7 pm.

The showcase events were organized by Wexner Center media arts and education staff members, as well as area media arts professionals. (Program approx. 120 mins.)

The aftenoon Youth Division screening features works by filmmakers under 18 years old.

support credits

Presented with support from the Ohio Arts Council.

Season support provided by the Rohauer Collection Foundation and the Corporate Annual Fund of the Wexner Center Foundation.



Showcase 2005