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Thank you for your interest in an internship at the Wexner Center for the Arts. We have a variety of internship positions, paid or for course credit, available in several departments and programming areas for autumn, spring, or the full academic year. For common questions concerning our internship opportunities, please review the information below.
For any further questions, email education@wexarts.org.
Check for open internship positions here.
Q: What are internships like at the Wex?A: Interns gain valuable experience working directly with a Wex staff member on various initiatives, programs, research, and day-to-day needs that help bring contemporary art to the public. Several exciting positions are available across the center in departments including Learning & Public Practice, Advancement, Administration and Leadership, Communications and Marketing, Exhibitions, and Performing Arts. Outside of regular responsibilities, interns will have the opportunity not only to meet with members of the Wex staff in other programming areas and departments but also attend events and discussions with other interns, gallery educators, artists, and volunteers.
Our interns have worked on projects that range from researching accessibility initiatives and facilitating hands-on art studios to working on grant applications.
Q: How will I know if an internship at the Wex is right for me?A: Our interns have a passion for the arts and seek to gain real-world experience and knowledge from arts professionals. We look for interns who are curious, flexible, and dedicated to meeting short- and long-term goals. The Wex is committed to building an inclusive work environment that welcomes and values diversity.
Q: What is the average time commitment for an internship at the Wex?A: Typically, interns work 5 to 10 hours per week, depending on the department and type of internship. Some departments have occasional evening and weekend needs. The duration of each internship varies from one semester to the entire academic year. Please carefully read internship position descriptions and confirm that there will not be conflicts with your academic schedule or planned study abroad trips.
Q: Where will I work?A: The Wexner Center for the Arts is located at The Ohio State University in Columbus. The building was designed by architects Peter Eisenman and the late Richard Trott with landscape architect Laurie Olin. Some interns also work in local schools and other sites around Columbus. Remote and hybrid work options may also be available.
Q: Are Wex interns compensated?A: Departments offer interns hourly compensation or course credit, depending on the position. Wex interns also enjoy perks such as discounts on programs and complimentary film tickets as available. Course credit can be offered through interns’ home academic unit in lieu of financial compensation if preferred.
Q: Who can apply?A: Candidates must be at least 18 years of age. Wex internships are open to
students currently enrolled in a college or university (graduating seniors, graduate students, and international students are welcome),
recent high school or university graduates (1 to 3 years post completion), and
emerging professionals with less than 5 years of experience in the arts and culture or nonprofit fields.
The Wexner Center for the Arts is The Ohio State University’s multidisciplinary, international laboratory for the exploration and advancement of contemporary art. The Wexner Center values diversity and offers a supportive, open, and inclusive community. We encourage candidates to apply, regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status.
Q: How do I apply?A: Each position has a unique application link. Please refer to this page for open internship positions and directions for application. Some internships require additional materials, such as a portfolio, cover letter, or resume. To be contacted about announcements, please email education@wexarts.org.
Q: How are interns chosen?A: Candidates will be selected based on their applications, skills, and qualifications, along with an interview with the hiring supervisor. Candidates will be notified no later than the date outlined below.
Q: If I wasn’t chosen this time, can I reapply the following semester?A: Of course! Internship positions are highly competitive, and we encourage you to apply next season. Please also consider applying to the gallery education program at the Wex. Email education@wexarts.org for more information.
Wed, Feb 12, 2025: Internship applications for 2025–2026 become available
Mon, Mar 17, 2025: Application deadline
April 2025: Finalists offered positions