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Take part in the art! Join us for a festive evening featuring performances by Work Ethic artists Alison Knowles, Hope Ginsburg, and Tom Marioni. Enjoy music, complimentary hors d'oeuvres by Vito's Catering, and a cash bar, and explore the exhibition with curator Helen Molesworth and the artists. The event is presented by the Wexner Center's 12º Circle, group of active members who shape exciting, entertaining social gatherings related to the center's programs. ARTISTS' PERFORMANCES Alison KnowlesMake a Salad, 1962 In this Fluxus work created and first performed in 1962, Knowles places value on the concrete and the mundane, redefining the ordinary act of making a salad as something productive, meditative, and poetic. (You can have some salad, too.) Hope GinsburgLittle Black Moustache and Rosy Red Cheeks, 2002-2003 Hope Ginsburg produces small novelty items of the sort found in Cracker Jack boxes. When worn, the temporary tattoos created and passed out as part of this performance playfully reconfigure face and gender. Tom MarioniThe Act of Drinking Beer with Friends Is the Highest Form of Art, 1970 The title tells the story of this ongoing conceptual performance, which has been presented in museums and galleries around the world. Tom Marioni challenges the definition of art and offers social interchange as art. "I wanted to make art as close to real life as I could without it being real life," says Marioni about his "social artworks" and "actions." Image credit Alison KnowlesMake a Salad, 1962Performance at The Baltimore Museum of Art, 2003Photo: Howard Korn
Artists' Performances