Our virtual return engagement of Paul Hill and April Martin's 2015 documentary Cincinnati Goddamn has been extended by popular demand through August 6. For today's #TBT Stream, we're happy to reshare the Director's Dialogue on Art and Social Change from September 2015, featuring a conversation between the filmmakers; Cincinnati native, businesswoman, and community activist Iris Roley; and Dr. Rhonda Y. Williams, professor of history and founder and director of the Social Justice Institute at Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University. The panel was moderated by Dr. Treva Lindsey, a professor in Ohio State’s Department of Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Take a look after you've watched the film.
Watch the 2015 Director's Dialogue on Art and Social Change, featuring Cincinnati Goddamn.
Top of page (L to R): Treva Lindsey, Rhonda Y. Williams, Iris Roley, Paul Hill, April Williams