
Daily Stream: Wex virtual screenings as of July 24

Melissa Starker, Creative Content & PR Manager

Jul 24, 2020

Still from the film Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets

Support the Wex with a great film experience! Your purchase of a ticket to one of our virtual screenings helps the center continue its work.

Premiering today: Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets

Bloody Nose, Empty Pockets

Images above and at top of page courtesy of Utopia Distribution

"Is the movie fiction? Yes, technically. Is it nonfiction? Not exactly. Is it 'real'? Absolutely... a beautifully empathetic work of art."—Vox

More about the film

Buy your ticket.


Holding: Laura Mulvey and Mark Lewis, Disgraced Monuments

Disgraced Monuments

Image courtesy of the artists

Supported by the Wex Film/Video Studio, this 1993 essay film explores the fall of the Soviet Union through the systematic dismantling of its monuments. It offers a global, historical perspective from which to view today’s removal of public statues in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Read a new interview with codirector Mark Lewis in Columbus Alive.

Watch Disgraced Monuments for free through August 14.


Also holding

From the film T, part of the 2020 Sundance Film Festival shorts tour

From T, streaming as part of the 2020 Sundance Film Festival Shorts Tour; image courtesy of Sundance Film Festival